Our ultimate goal is that everyone in the 10/40 window has the opportunity to hear and respond to the hope found in Christ alone.
10/40 Hope is a non-profit Christian organization. Below is a quick reference to what we believe as a Christian organization. If you would like to know our full doctrinal statement or have specific questions, feel free to email us at info@1040hope.org.
We believe that the Bible is the ultimate authority in the Christian’s life. That we should trust it as God’s inspired word and take hope in its message.
We believe that Jesus is the son of God and God with us. He came and lived a sinless life, something that nobody else could do and bore the punishment of humanity’s sin upon the cross. He then rose from the dead, displaying his power over death itself, and offering the same hope to those who place their faith in him.
We believe that salvation is found in Jesus alone. We are saved by grace through faith in Him only. Therefore, our good works can not save us. They will never take away our sins and make us righteous before God the Father. But, when we place our faith in Christ, he begins to work in us to make us more like Him.
We believe that Jesus has given the Church a mission – to take the hope of the Gospel to all nations so that the hope of salvation would be presented to them as well.
WHO IS 10/40 HOPE?
10/40 Hope is a team. A team of individuals from around the world who are working toward one goal – for the nations to hope in Christ. We are missionaries, visionaries, pastors, donors. We are all who contribute to this cause to bring hope to the 10/40 window.
While not all areas in the 10/40 window are dangerous, there are many areas where Christians experience persecution for their beliefs. Because of this, we aspire to protect not just those living in these areas, but also our staff who travel to those areas. Some pictures and names will not be provided in an effort to protect those individuals. We do NOT use pictures of the faces of our team who may travel to a location where they may interact with Christians who experience such persecutions as a precaution.
B J founded the organization in 2008 and served as a missionary in Lebanon for over 10 years where he met and married his wife. During their time in Lebanon, they began forming relationships with other ministries and missionaries. As our CEO, he oversees all operations, networks with churches, and leads mission trips to encourage and support churches and ministries in the 10/40 window. If you would like to support B J’s ministry, click here.
J Z is our Treasurer, Administrator, and a missionary serving in Lebanon. She ministered to youth in the country for 3 years before joining 10/40 Hope. Now, she partners with ministries throughout Lebanon and oversees all of the projects and partnerships we have developed in the 10/40 Window. If you would like to support J Z’s ministry, click here.
J T is our Project Director. He is from Lebanon and spends his time reaching out to the pastors and ministry leaders that we support. This allows him to directly oversee the needs of each individual leader, church, and ministry to help provide them with everything they need. Additionally, he provides discipleship, small group, and church planting trainings for all of our project partners throughout the 10/40 Window. This ensures that they are growing in their understanding of the Scriptures and are equipped to do the work of ministry. If you would like to support the ministry and mission work of J T, click here.
Daniel and Brooke Shaffer
Daniel grew up in the Amazon basin in Brazil. His parents were missionaries there working with PAZ (Project Amazon). They lived there from 1992 to 2002 while his dad pastored a church and taught at a Bible school in Brazil.
In 2002, they returned to the States. Daniel went through MTI School of Ministry for ministerial training and has served in his local church in various roles.
Daniel and Brooke married in August 2014 and now have four children. The Shaffers have led worship in their local church for the past 14 years. They have always had a heart for missions but were waiting on God to reveal the specific place and time. After years of prayer, Japan has become their clear mission call.
They plan to move there and work alongside PAZ International in the Fall of 2024 and continue language studies as their first step in being able to minister to the people of Japan. Check out their website here!
B R is our Director of Media. He oversees our media with the goal of informing and conveying the need of the most unreached people groups in the 10/40 Window. As Director of Media he conceptualizes and creates videos, designs informative materials for 10/40 Hope and its missionaries, creates/manages content on our social media, and helps in sustaining 10/40 Hope’s website.
J P is our Donor Relations Associate. He oversees our donor base stateside and helps ensure that we are growing in support for the projects and missionaries that we help fund throughout the 10/40 Window. He does this by reaching out to potential donors and attending conferences to raise awareness for 10/40 Hope. If you would like to support J P’s ministry, click here.
H S finished her Mission Internship Training with 10/40 Hope in July. She will be traveling to Lebanon from September – December to experience Middle Eastern culture first hand. During this time, she will be working to gain hands-on ministry experience in a foreign context.
M A is our Church Planting Trainer of Algeria. M A pastors his own house church in Algeria that he planted. He trains and assists men to plant these churches throughout Algeria. Algeria is very hostile to the message of the gospel so they have to meet in house churches and we have to keep him anonymous.
Most importantly, you – our donor partners. This ministry could not exist without your help. Every dollar that is sent to aid the mission in the 10/40 window is because of your support. Without you there would be less hope in the world. 10/40 Hope is truly grateful that you have chosen to donate. Thank you.