Our ultimate goal is that everyone in the 10/40 window has the opportunity to hear and respond to the hope found in Christ alone. We carry this out by focusing on 3 different methods:

Planting Churches, Supporting Ministries, and Sending Missionaries

Planting Churches

“The church planter’s ultimate objective is nothing less than winning the whole world for Christ.” – Ed Stetzer

We work with missionaries and churches in the 10/40 window to begin new churches throughout the world. Sometimes this looks like the first church in a new city or village. Other times it looks like connecting small house churches with one another into one local church of believers.

Indigenous church planters are equipped through our training seminars and strategic planning sessions. These church planters are also provided with the materials needed to disciple their members and equip future leaders. The contriubtions of our generous donor partners provide the funds needed for these churches to pay their pastors, meet regularly, and perform outreaches.

Church planting has been crucial in spreading the reach of Christianity since it began. If you would like to partner with us to plant churches in the 10/40 window, donate here.

Leading biblical trainings among indigenous pastors and ministers equips them to share the gospel within their context, disciple believers in the teachings of Jesus, and plant additional churches throughout the 10/40 Window.

Employing indigenous coaches throughout various regions of the 10/40 Window allows us to provide consistent discipleship and support for church planters and local ministers.

Networking and recruiting indigenous church planters allow for opportunities to take the gospel to unreached people groups throughout the 10/40 Window and provides a local church to communities that may not have one.

Supporting Ministries

“Contribute to the needs of the saints…” – Romans 12:13

We help establish new indigenous  ministries and work with indigenous ministries that have already been established in the 10/40 window to meet the needs of the people in their communities. Each ministry is unique to the needs of that community. Some ministries assist the poor. Others bring hope and comfort to those that their societies have deemed undesirable. Whatever the need may be, these ministries serve their communities for the sake of spreading the Gospel.

Your donations make it possible for us to resources ministries serving and providing aid to their communities for the sake of spreading the gospel. We support ministries training and preparing future church planters. We work with ministries sending leaders to start Bible study groups throughout their communities.

Oftentimes, the only way someone will hear about Christ is through a ministry that directly impacts their lives. As these ministries grow, they will continue to need support. If you would like to support ministries in the 10/40 window that bring hope, just click this link.

Stipending various projects of indigenous ministries allows opportunities for the Church to continue to grow in number and discipleship. By partnering with these ministries, we equip them to further spread the gospel and train additional leaders.

Providing assistance to local indigenous churches helps support for local ministry needs. This is done by teaching, coaching, encouraging, and serving the church and their outreach efforts.

Sending Missionaries

“How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent?” – Romans 10:14-15

We are all missionaries. We are all called to spread the Gospel to those around us. But some choose to leave their homes to spread this hope among the nations. We partner with missionaries in the field to help them in their endeavors to tell the world about Jesus. We have also sent missionaries into the field to begin their calling.

Through church partnerships, we send missionaries to provide oversight and support to indigenous churches. We lead teams from local churches on short-term mission trips to the 10/40 Window. The purpose of these trips is to develop and facilitate long term relationships between churches in the West with churches in the East.

Missionaries have been on the frontlines serving and laboring since Jesus first told his disciples to go into all nations. We believe that all Christians are to either go and serve alongside them or to help send them in their labors. If you have interest in joining them in the mission, contact us at info@1040hope.org. Otherwise, we always encourage believers to support our brothers and sisters who have left their homes to bring hope to the world.

Establishing missionaries to support the indigenous church strengthens their local church’s ability to sustain themselves and their ministry efforts. Additionally, missionaries assist 10/40 Hope with its needs, using their individual giftings to grow the organization as a whole.

Training interns for the work of the ministry creates an avenue to bring additional missionaries to the 10/40 Window. Our training equips interns with biblical knowledge and is followed by a 3-month mission trip to the Middle East.

We participate in 3 types of mission trips: Oversight trips, vision trips, and ministry trips. Each offering important contributions to our ministry.